CAD software is used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design and to create a database for architectural, engineering & construction applications. By using the latest IntelliCAD 10.1 Engine, Open Design Alliance, dwg/dxf Libraries, ACIS 3D Modeling Kernel, and many other Technologies which ensures file support right from the early R2.5 to the latest Version of dwg/dxf. It also supports other file formats like .dgn, .step/.stp, .iges/.igs, .stl, .obj, 2D PDF, 3D PDF, .svg, .dae, etc. The interface and commands are designed in a manner that is familiar and easy for migration from any CAD Software.
- Access Tutorial Videos from within the software
- Block Library of over 5000 Blocks (you can add your blocks too)
- ActCAD Convertor: Batch Auditing & File Conversions
- Convert PDF to DWG/DXF Files from within the Software
- Artisan 3D Renderer – Create Photorealistic Presentations/Drawings
- Option for permanent License.
- Fully compatible with Autocad file formants
- Convert Image to DWG/DXF Files – Raster to Vector
- Simple Self-Help Module to address most of the common queries